November 1, 2012

Halloween 2012

Abigail isn't quite old enough for trick-or-treating and she doesn't really 'get' it yet but we still had a great time dressing up this year! I have a weakness for animal costumes so Abigail was a zebra this year - she was a lion last year. 

We celebrated last week at her preschool class party. I made these cute little treat bags for all the kids.

As always, we carved pumpkins and this year Abigail could help clean out the 'guts.'

I always print out several designs for us to choose from and Jan always picks the easiest! He carved the jack-o-lantern face and I carved the ghost.

We decided to stay in our neighborhood and try to stick to our 'normal' routine as best as possible since Abigail had school today. I didn't want to keep her out late, over-stimulate her and then send her to school this morning cranky and tired. 

At this point, she must have been tired of me following her around with the camera and trying to get her attention. She looks quite annoyed, ha!

We did get to visit one of the very few neighbors with small kids and this was about the best picture I could get of Abigail and Trip. They were both running wild!

And we made one trick-or-treat stop on the way back home. Abigail was introduced to plain M&Ms and she loved them (she must take after her Oupa who is a big M&M fan).

Grandpa and Bibi came to visit too...

 Along with Uncle Ty and Meme (but somehow I didn't get a picture of her with Meme).

We hope everyone had a great Halloween!