November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving Weekend 2011

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoyed celebrating it with Abigail for the first time! Our weekend in pictures...

Thanksgiving Eve!
Abigail looks too cute in her new boots and GA chair.

Thanksgiving Day! 
 Playing with Daddy and the prettiest little turkey around.
I failed to get a family picture...I guess the wonderful buffet of food distracted me!

Family day and helping Mommy supervise while Daddy hangs the Christmas lights.

Adult day at the Iron Bowl and Abigail's day with her grandparents.

My brothers showing their full support.
Per my SIL, they are not a house divided but a house of compromise.

However, we were still representing with the GA tent!

Another family day and teaching Abigail to eat from a spoon.

But she wasn't getting it fast enough!

November 23, 2011

Jump Around, Jump Around!

This munchkin loves her Jumperoo!

Happy Thanksgiving to all! I hope everyone has a great holiday with family and friends. Jan and I are very thankful for this lil' princess and everything we have. With a smile like this, our life is perfect! Cheers!

November 22, 2011

Letters to Abigail: Happy Five Months!!

Dear Abigail, 

Thank you for the best 5 months ever! Just when your Daddy and I think we couldn't love you any more, another day passes and a new sun rises, and we do! It's absolutely amazing.

You are growing so fast and changing every day. This past month your personality really began to develop and we are so excited to see what each day holds. You make the best noises blowing kisses and motoring with your lips.

You are very active, always moving your arms and legs. I call you my lil' kickin chicken! I love that you are so happy and so easy to manage. Everyone is still amazed that you behave so well.

You wear a size 2 diapers and size 6 or 9 month clothes. You still haven't cut any teeth but we are in full teething mood, complete with an occassional fever. You weigh between 17 & 18 pounds and we still have you on the same feeding schedule as last month. When you wake up in the morning, you don't cry, you kick your legs and coo until I sit-up to see you, then you give me the biggest smile. There is no better way to start the day.

This month you experienced your first Halloween and you went to your first wedding (Uncle Chad & Aunt Allison). We also left you overnight for the first time! You went to your first play (Cousin Sydney's) and your first friend party (Tinsley's).

Happy 5 Months, Abigail Suzanne!
Mommy & Daddy

November 21, 2011

Gurl-frans! :)

Abigail and I joined Ashley, Jessica and Dylan for dinner Friday night.

The babies were quite interested in one another. Dylan is 4 days older than Abigail.  

This picture was taken on July 4th when the babies were only 2 weeks old. So tiny!

Ashley (in the middle) is expecting her own bundle of girly joy next May. We are very excited for her and Razvan. Abigail, Dylan and Baby Druica will all be within one year of each other!!

November 15, 2011

A Rock Star Birthday

My wonderful husband celebrated another year this past Saturday, so to celebrate, we decided to leave Abigail overnight for the first time, and escape to Athens to party like rock stars!

To start the morning, Abigail and I surprised Jan with a cake and serenade.

Then we made the trek to Athens and joined some good friends from Atlanta for a tailgate.

I randomly ran into a friend from kindergarten too! 

On our way to the stadium, I insisted we stop to have a picture made by the Arch (although 10,000 other people didn't find it convenient).

The game was great and the Bulldogs demolished the Auburn Tigers. Go Dawgs!

After the game, we decided to grab a quick birthday dinner and map out our attack of downtown Athens. Yes, we are new parents but we aren't dead! So after enjoying our delicious meal, we discussed where to go, what to do and who to call. We eventually decided to hit every bar downtown and show the college kids how its done head back to the hotel and spend the rest of the evening cuddled in bed. I think we were both asleep by 8:30 p.m. Rock star...FAIL. Happily married couple who only wanted to get home bright and early Sunday morning to be with their little princess...SCORE! 

November 14, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday, Conner-Man!

My nephew, Conner, celebrated his 1st birthday last week!! We joined him for a small birthday dinner on Wednesday, where he totally posed for this picture. LOVE those baby blues!

His official party was Friday night. He loves Mickey Mouse!

Conner had a great time! He is always a happy little boy and already loves the ladies!! :) Abigail enjoyed the excitement and got to meet a few new friends.

Happy birthday, Conner!!