November 22, 2011

Letters to Abigail: Happy Five Months!!

Dear Abigail, 

Thank you for the best 5 months ever! Just when your Daddy and I think we couldn't love you any more, another day passes and a new sun rises, and we do! It's absolutely amazing.

You are growing so fast and changing every day. This past month your personality really began to develop and we are so excited to see what each day holds. You make the best noises blowing kisses and motoring with your lips.

You are very active, always moving your arms and legs. I call you my lil' kickin chicken! I love that you are so happy and so easy to manage. Everyone is still amazed that you behave so well.

You wear a size 2 diapers and size 6 or 9 month clothes. You still haven't cut any teeth but we are in full teething mood, complete with an occassional fever. You weigh between 17 & 18 pounds and we still have you on the same feeding schedule as last month. When you wake up in the morning, you don't cry, you kick your legs and coo until I sit-up to see you, then you give me the biggest smile. There is no better way to start the day.

This month you experienced your first Halloween and you went to your first wedding (Uncle Chad & Aunt Allison). We also left you overnight for the first time! You went to your first play (Cousin Sydney's) and your first friend party (Tinsley's).

Happy 5 Months, Abigail Suzanne!
Mommy & Daddy

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