October 27, 2011

4 Month Check-Up

Abigail's 4 month check-up and shots were yesterday. She weighs 16 lbs 2 oz (90th percentile) and is 26 inches long (95th percentile). She received several shots but barely cried at all. I was so proud of her! Everything is working perfectly, according to the Doctor, and she is a healthy, strong baby!! We remind ourselves daily that we are lucky to have such a wonderful and healthy child. 

October 26, 2011

Welcoming a New Sister

My brother, Chad, and his fiance, Allison, will tie the knot this Saturday! We are looking forward to a fun celebration, and if you know these two people, you know it will be EPIC.

Allison joined us for dinner last night and Abigail kept staring at her and smiling. I think it was her official welcoming!

October 25, 2011

Pumpkin Carving

Jan and I are not creative, artistic people; however, each Halloween we like to pretend that we are.

Jan's bats!

My skull!

I think my candle is sitting way too high because you can hardly see the bottom part of the pumpkin! 

I can't wait to involve Abigail next year! I can already picture her getting all messy but having a blast. 

October 24, 2011

October Weekend

Our weekend was full and fun! Great friends from Atlanta came to visit and meet Abigail...we had beautiful weather for a tennis match...enjoyed Filet Mignons and lots of red wine during a Saturday night braai...went to a baby shower for little Max and Eva...and spent Sunday night cuddled in bed with my loves!

Abigail enjoyed a little tummy time.

Raluca, Werner, me, Jan, Alex and Ann

My Angel

Eva, Abigail and me

Thomas, Katie, Eva, Abigail and me
New Moms and the Mom-to-be

October 23, 2011

Letters to Abigail: Happy Four Months!!

Dear Abigail,

You are such a great baby! You are happy 99% of the time and always so relaxed.

You are wearing a size 2 diapers and size 6 month clothes (but 9 month footie pajamas). We have added 2 tbsp of cereal to every 6 ounce bottle, and you still eat 4-5 times a day. I tried to feed you cereal from a spoon the other day, but you weren’t impressed. We will have to work on that this month. I don’t know your exact weight and height but we have a doctor’s appointment next Wednesday to find out.

You found your voice and have been chatting up a storm. You know exactly when we laugh and smile and usually laugh and smile with us. You still haven’t cut any teeth but I think you will soon.

You’re usually ready for bed around 8:00 p.m. and sleep solidly until we wake you at 6:30 a.m. but I think you would sleep later if we let you. You’re still in your bassinet beside our bed but I think you may outgrow it soon. I’m not ready to move you out of our room but I wonder if I ever will be ready. I still worry that you are going to stop breathing and check on you at least 4 times a night. I guess that’s part of being a Mom though.

I had to pack away all your size 0-3 month clothes this month and it was really sad to me. 
You are growing SO fast.

This month you 1) went to your first outdoor movie, 2) held your bottle for the first time, 3) went to another outdoor concert, 4) went to your first wedding shower, 5) rolled completely over and 5) had your first cold.

Daddy and I love you more and more each day! We feel extremely lucky to have such a wonderful little girl.

Happy 4 Months, Abigail Suzanne! We love you so much.

October 20, 2011

The Plague

Okay, not really...but we did have the 'sickies' this week. It all started last Wednesday when Jan started to feel bad. We tried to keep our distant (as much as you can while living in the same house) but evidently we didn't do a good job. We made it through the weekend feeling okay but Monday and Tuesday were spent in bed. While I loved cuddling with my precious little girl, my headache and sinus pressure didn't appreciate any crying. This was my first experience taking care of a sick child while also being sick myself and I learned it's NOT FUN! Tuesday was the longest day but we made it through and I don't look forward to having the 'sickies' again. Jan was a super husband and Daddy through it all, which of course was his fault to begin with. :)

On a happier note, we DID have a good weekend. Friday we enjoyed pizza while sitting outside and listening to some groovy music.

Saturday we attended a couple's shower for these two, my brother Chad and his bride-to-be, Allison.

They are getting hitched in 9 days!! We are very happy that Chad found his perfect mate in Allison and we look forward to celebrating with them at the wedding next weekend.

And these are my two loves! Don't you just love Abigail's outfit and boots?? Many thanks to Brittany for the fabulous-ness!