July 30, 2012

Letters to Abigail: Happy Eleven Months!!

Note: This letter was written and these pictures were taken on May 21, 2012. 

Dear Abigail,

You are eleven months old today! Your personality is developing more and more and you are just SO much fun. 

I am so thankful that you are a happy baby. You love to smile and laugh, and you're quite the flirt with people.

You crawl around like crazy and have gotten to be really fast. You aren't walking yet but you manage to get where you want to be with lightening speed.

You cut a few more teeth this month. Before long, you will have a mouth full. You're still in a size 4 diaper and size 12-18 month clothes. You sleep and eat like a champ.

You think your daddy is hysterical. He is the one that keeps you laughing during these photo sessions. You are definitely a daddy's girl!

You do not like to cuddle - you are always on the go! There are too many things for you to see and too many places you have to investigate. 

You weigh about 23 pounds and you're still pretty long for your age.

The sound of your laugh is the best in the world.

I may be biased, but you are truly the best baby I've ever seen. You are so easy to manage and you are such a joy to be around.

You add so much happiness to our lives and we love you more than words can express.

Happy 11 Months, Abigail!! 

Mommy & Daddy

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