January 12, 2012

Letters to Abigail: Happy Six Months!!

Dear Abigail,

Half a year...6 months...1/2 birthday...whatever you call it, we've made it and it's been the most amazing 6 months of my 33 years.

You are the sweetest, easiest, most beautiful child I have ever met. You amaze me every day!

You are a happy baby! You are generous with your smiles and they melt my heart.

You are still super easy to manage and I love getting to know your little personality more and more each day. You like to touch our faces when we talk and you give sweet hugs while we hold you.

You are definitely more active but you aren't crawling yet. You are an "unassisted sitter" and still like to kick those legs!

You're always very curious about your surroundings and you are very friendly to everyone.

You make funny faces and keep your Daddy and me laughing!

You wear a size 3 diaper and 9 to 12 month clothes. You are still really long but equally proportional. You weigh 19 lbs 7 ounces and are 27.5 inches long (>90% percentile for both).

Your eyes are still blue and your eyelashes are ridiculously long.

You love Daisy and interact more and more with her. You'll soon be the best of friends.

We cherish every day with you. Daddy and I love you so much. You are an amazing daughter.

Happy 6 Months, Abigail Suzanne!
Mommy & Daddy

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