February 1, 2012

Letters to Abigail: Happy Seven Months!!

Dear Abigail,

You are getting SO big and becoming SO independent! Your 6th month was a bit of a blur between Christmas and our big trip to South Africa, but you matured so much.

You were an absolute charm on our trip. You are such a happy baby and didn't cry at all on all the flights and craziness we put you through. You are a trooper!

You found several levels to your voice this month. You alternate between an extremely loud, high pitched sound and a deep grunt. It's super cute. 

You also became quite the little mover while we were gone. You are now rolling everywhere...and FAST! You can position yourself in the direction you want to go, and then you roll like a log to get there. You haven't shown any interest in crawling yet...I guess because you can get to where to want to go by rolling, ha!

You're still in a size 3 diaper and fit in 6-12 month clothes. We are now feeding you solid food and you love it. You've had bananas, avocado and yellow squash. However, your main source of nutrition is still your formula bottle. And I'm amazed that you still have NO TEETH!

You love to sit and play and you are easily entertained. You received some neat toys for Christmas and you enjoy figuring them out. Daddy and I love to get in the floor and play with you, but if we are busy, you are usually content to play on your own. 

You loved seeing your Oupa and Ouma at Christmas. You took quite a liking to your Oom (Uncle) Abrie too, who you had never met before. You also got to meet your Great Oupa & Ouma. Great Ouma and you had a great time clicking your tongues together.

You had your six month check-up and shots when we returned from vacation. You weigh over 20 pounds now!

You managed to pick-up the chicken pox virus while we were out of the country. We have no idea how you contracted it, but lucky for us, it was a mild case and you only had about 15 spots. We did take you to the Doctor to confirm this and it was your first non-check-up visit.

You also have a little cold right now...typical after being trapped on an airplane for 18 hours straight with only re-circulated air. I suction your nose every morning and you get mad at me, but it helps you breathe.

We tried moving you into your crib not long ago but have since moved you back into our room (in the bassinet). The first night you slept like an angel but then you didn't seem to like it at all. I think it's because you are a little under the weather right now...you've actually woken up a few times in the middle of the night upset...and you like the closeness of the bassinet. As soon as you are feeling better, we will try again.

Daddy and I are still amazed by you everyday. We love waking up to your smiling face and can't wait to pick you up in the evenings after work. We miss you dearly while you're away from us.

Your personality continues to develop. You have a bit of a temper and can get frustrated, but you're also laid back and happy.

You bring so much joy to our lives and we love you more than words can express. We worry constantly about doing the right things and being the "perfect parents," but I promise you that we are definitely trying our hardest and doing what we think and hope is best for you.

We love you, Abigail Suzanne! Happy 7 Months!!

Love, Mommy & Daddy

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