April 6, 2012

2 Years and Spring

The first day of Spring always brings our anniversary, and this year we celebrated 2 years! It landed on a Tuesday, and Jan offered to take me to a nice dinner, but I told him I preferred to spend the evening on a blanket in the yard with my two loves. So, Jan handled the grilling and we embraced the wonderful weather. We may have even splurged a bit - Jan got a new fruit product and I got a new plaid accessory. Of course, I also received 2 dozen roses - a tradition that will eventually become overwhelming (financially and what does one do with 50 dozen roses??). And even though baby was a bit tired, it was a lovely evening.

I love Spring - not the pollen, but the warm, humidity free air and fresh breezes. Spring is a time of renewal - Spring planting, Spring cleaning, etc. And having Abigail with us this Spring is wonderful. Jan and I embrace being outside and hope to pass our love of fresh air and sunshine onto Abigail.

I only wish I could spend more time with her - take her to the park more and lay on the grass more. I have been struggling with my work/life balance lately, but know that my obligations must be fulfilled in order to provide for her - keep the rent paid and the carrots pureed. :) I know that all working Moms struggle with this and that I'm not alone.

We ventured to a new park in town last weekend and Abigail enjoyed her first swing ride. To say that she loved it is an understatement.

She wasn't terribly impressed with the slide however.

There's no better way to end a day - soaking in sunshine on a beautiful lawn with your gorgeous, amazing child and incredibility handsome husband. I'm one lucky lady! Happy Spring!


  1. That park is right down the road from my house, we were just there the other day. Mason my 4 year old loves it.

  2. Cool! We live right by the University so it's super close for us too. I'm afraid it's not big enough though considering Lake Bottom is going south. Hopefully it stays nice! :)

  3. I know what you mean about Lake Bottom, Cooper Creek is the same way. The new park is nice, but your right it is small and usually very crowded on the weekends, maybe we will see ya'll there oneday.
