May 10, 2012

Cinco ~ no drinko ~ de Mayo

Last weekend, Jan and I went to Atlanta to attend the fabulous McCollum's Cinco - no drinko- de Mayo Party. While this may not sound like a fun party for some, it was a great party for us (in our current state). 

Hanging out with Daddy

I felt a little bad for Abigail - she doesn't walk yet, so she couldn't run around with all the other kids - but she had a blast just hanging out and taking it all in.

There was some drinking - the guys played several games of beer pong. 

Trey and Erin brought over this jumping house for the kids - and let me just say, it was fantastic. We may or may not have already purchased one for ourselves!

Lots of kids + unlimited chips and cheese dip + tons of Mexican food + hanging out with other Mom friends = one fabulous time. Who needs Margaritas or Coronas when you have all this??

The sober ladies. I'm not sure if I've ever been around so many preggo women. It was crazy!

From left to right:

Brittany - not preggers but currently training for a swimsuit competition, so she's on a strict diet with obviously no alcohol allowed. She's our inspiration.

Jennie - preggers with her 3rd. She's one brave lady, and a very patient mother and fabulous host.

Stacy - preggers with her 1st. We wish her the very best. 

Erin - Mom of two little boys. Erin did indulge in a few Coronas, after all she was the only female who could drink!

Me - preggers with my 2nd. 

Jackie (not pictured) - preggers with her 2nd & 3rd. Come September she will have 3 boys! 

I can't imagine this party in two years, with all the new additions running around. It will be pure chaos! Maybe the ladies will play beer pong while the guys chase the kids, ha! 

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