May 1, 2012

Letters to Abigail: Happy Ten Months!!

Dear Abigail,

You are quickly outgrowing the 'infant' stage and before long, you will be my lil' toddler. You are a busy body and keep us on our toes!

While taking these photos, you only wanted to take the sticker OFF and I only wanted the sticker to stay ON - it's only the beginning! Your personality is so fun and I love getting to know you better every day.

You're still a big, healthy baby. You LOVE food and eat, eat, eat. Lately, it has become difficult for Daddy and I to eat in front of you because you yell at us to share - even if you have already eaten! You want a piece or bite of everything - you are so curious! 

You are wearing a size 4 diaper, size 12-18 month clothes and size 4 shoe. You have your Daddy's feet too - chubby - but they are super cute! You still have very little hair, although it has gotten a little thicker. 

Your favorite toys are still cell phones and remotes. You also love the ipad and love to FaceTime and Skype. You know exactly what to do! I gave you an old cell phone of mine and you pretend to talk on it all the time. It's pretty cute.

You crawl everywhere and are really fast. You will walk behind your push toys but you aren't walking independently yet. You seem a little hesitant to try but I'm okay with that for now. You've grown too quickly. 

You interact more and more with Daisy. You pull up on her, pull her ears and give her hugs. She's very patient with you and you think she's hysterical. You love to watch her drink water and eat - and she loves when you throw puffs on the floor!

We are still trying to teach you NO. I think you understand us fine but pretend like you don't. The hardest part is when you smile really big at us when we say NO - I just can't keep it together and laugh. I guess we are both in training.

You're still a fantastic sleeper and you use every bit of your crib. Every time I check on you, you are in a different position.

I am so proud to be your mommy. You are not only beautiful on the outside but you are a very sweet, happy baby too. You've made motherhood such a blessing...and so easy. I look forward to everyday with you. It just keeps getting better and better.

Happy 10 Months, Abigail! We love you so much. 

Mommy & Daddy

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! What a great idea to write these letters to her!
