September 14, 2011


The past two weeks have been NUTS! I was so happy to have established a good routine with monthly meal calendars, Abigail’s daily transportation, bath times, bed times, etc. AND THEN LIFE HAPPENED! Haha, oh well! Actually, we just went on a short vacation and I started playing tennis again, but that was enough to throw us COMPLETELY off schedule for a while. I feel as though I am barely holding my head above water sometimes, but it keeps us busy and life is fun.

Two weeks ago was my 33rd birthday. That’s right folks, I am getting old. We did absolutely nothing, which is what we also did for my 31st and 32nd birthdays. Now that I think about it, we did go to dinner last year but we were still in bed by 10 p.m.

Abigail had her 2 month (10 weeks, 1 day) doctor appointment on August 31st. She weighed 13 lbs 3 oz (90th percentile) and was 24 ¼ inches (95th percentile). She received 5 shots and 1 oral medication, but she was a trooper and only cried for a few seconds. I am SO thankful that she is such a good, healthy baby!!

For Labor Day Weekend, we headed to PCB with my parents. Jan rented a place months ago so we could treat them to a weekend at the beach (kind of a thank you for all they do). Unfortunately, Tropical Storm Lee decided to show up the same weekend. And I know what you’re thinking…I’m a terrible parent. First, my 12 day old child is caught in a house fire caused by lightening and then I take her to the beach during a Tropical Storm! I guess Mother Nature has it out for us right now.

Anyway, we enjoyed ourselves as much as possible. Obviously we weren’t going to be sunbathing on the beach, drinking Coronas for 10 hours straight with Abigail, but I was hoping for a little sun and surf. Instead, we substituted food for sun and shopping for surf. I managed to eat LOTS of raw oysters (forbidden during the pregnancy) and picked up a few nice shirts for the fall. Perhaps the best purchase was one made by my parents for Abigail (again!). My Dad wanted her to have a swing, so we found a nice one at Target and ended up with two, one for their house and one for ours. And let me just say, this swing is AMAZING!! Abigail LOVES it and it has allowed Jan and I to accomplish our chores, etc. without stopping or stressing that she is going to cry any minute. She is as happy as a little clam in it.

And, it’s that time of year again…GA football!! My lil’ one will be a GA fan because she has no choice (just kidding, but seriously). And she already knows that she can only go to UGA (like her Mother) or Harvard…there are no other choices (totally kidding, maybe). She looks cute in her GA attire and there is a lot more to wear! I guess if we don’t get our act together soon and start winning, at least dressing Abigail will still be fun.

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