September 22, 2011

Letters to Abigail: Happy Three Months!!

Dear Abigail,

Yesterday we celebrated 3 months with you. As usual, we took 1,000 pictures and said, “I can’t believe it’s been 3 months!”

You are still in size 1-2 diapers (up to 14 pounds) but we are finishing the last pack and moving on to size 2 (up to 18 pounds) very soon. Daddy and I sometimes get confused by the whole diaper size thing, so we really rely on the weight parameter. And speaking of weight, I don’t know exactly how much you weigh right now, but considering you weighed 13 lbs and 3 ounces exactly 22 days ago, I assume you are a little shy of 14 pounds.

You wear size 3 month and size 6 month clothes. The fit really depends on the outfit design and brand. However, you can only wear size 6 month footie pajamas because you are so long! We are still amazed at how long you are.

You have become a lot more animated this month. We call you our Lil’ Pirate because you make the ‘Aargh’ noise a lot! It’s really cute. You are a very happy baby and smile a ton, especially in the mornings. Last Saturday (9/17), you actually laughed for the first time. It was fantastic and Daddy spent the rest of the weekend trying to make you laugh again. We look forward to lots of baby chuckles very soon!

You discovered your hand this month and it cracks me up! You will stare intently at your hand as you hold it in front of your face and you seem completely amazed that it’s real and it’s yours, and it moves when you want it to. I get a kick out of watching you! It’s only a matter of time before you discover your feet.

You are drooling a little more this month which makes me wonder if you will start teething soon. You are also sucking your bottom lip a lot lately. I hope it doesn't become chapped!

You are still a wonderful sleeper and Daddy and I are SO happy about it! We put you to bed around 9:30 p.m. and you sleep solidly in your bassinet until 6:30 a.m. Sometimes you try to fight sleep but your battle usually only last five minutes! You’re still a good eater too. We recently introduced cereal into your bottle and it helps keep you full for longer. I like to call you my “hungry, hungry hippo!” You are definitely a healthy baby.

Your neck is really strong and you can sit up really well in your Bumbo seat. I like to set you on my vanity counter in the mornings so we can see each other while I put on my makeup. The other day you saw yourself in the mirror and busted out into a huge grin. It was very cute!!

Over the past month, you: 1) took your first trip to the beach, 2) went to your first outdoor concert, 3) laughed out loud for the first time, 4) had cereal in your bottle for the first time and 5) got your first passport. It’s been a very busy month!!

Sometimes I wonder how we got so lucky to have such a wonderful baby. You sleep great, you never cry and you seem genuinely happy all the time. I hope you are always happy. Daddy and I cherish every moment we have with you and just love you to pieces. You are an absolutely beautiful baby with an outstanding personality. True perfection!

Happy 3 Months, Abigail Suzanne! We love you to pieces!

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