March 1, 2012

Letters to Abigail: Happy Eight Months!!

Dear Abigail,

You are growing and moving so's hard to keep up!
These photo shoots have definitely become more challenging!

You are a very busy little girl. 
You are extremely curious and you roll everywhere.

Your disposition is amazing and you are such a happy baby! You go to bed smiling and you wake up smiling. It really is astonishing.

You wear a size 3 diaper, 12 month clothes and sleepers, and a size 3/4 shoe. You weigh around 22 pounds. You eat and love all foods so far (avocado, corn, green beans, lima beans, english peas, carrots, squash, pears, apples, bananas). But you hate to have your face washed/wiped.

We transitioned you from your carrier seat to a stationary car seat this month. You seem to like the new seat since you sit up higher,
but I don't like the fact that your naps are now interrupted by getting you in and out.

You like to babble and bounce, a lot! You still love your jump-a-roo and you like me to bounce you on my hip too. You danced to music this month and tried to babble along. It was really cute.

You have two teeth on the bottom and we love to see them when you smile. You still don't have 'stranger danger' and you love everyone that smiles at you. Your personality is just so funny! 

You sleep like a champion...from about 8:30 pm to 6:30 am. Hopefully we can teach you about Saturdays and Sundays soon and get a bit more sleep on the weekends!

You love to play on the floor. You play very well by yourself, but you like to play with us and Daisy too.

You bring so much joy to our lives. I waited 32 years for you and I am so grateful for who you are and what you mean to me and your Daddy.

We are your biggest fans and strongest supporters. We love you unconditionally and work hard to make sure you have everything you need,  now and in the future. We promise to protect you, teach you and prepare you for life.

It is still amazing to realize that we MADE you...and you are perfect.

Happy 8 Months, Abigail Suzanne!

Mommy & Daddy

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