August 22, 2011

Letters to Abigail: Happy Two Months!!

Dear Abigail,

Two months, already? It really is amazing how fast time goes by and how quickly you grow.

You are just shy of 13 pounds already and a really good eater. We are on 100% formula now and you drink it with ease. We feed you about 6 ounces every 4 hours during the day but at night you can last 8 hours! We like to have your last daily feeding around 10 p.m., then you sleep until around 6:30 a.m. when Daddy gets up with you to start our day. From there, you usually eat at 10 a.m., 2 p.m., 6 p.m. and then again at 10 p.m. The 6 p.m. feeding is sometimes a challenge during the week because we get caught in the commute, but we can usually work it out without terrible consequences (i.e. you screaming your head off in the car for 30 minutes).

Since I returned to work, you stay with your Grandma at least 3 days a week and with Mrs. Carol (your Nanny) the other 2 days. You are happy at both places and I think you will really love it when you get older.

Our weeks are crazy and hectic between us working, taking/picking you up, cooking dinner, Daddy’s tennis lessons, etc. I always feel like we don’t have enough time together, but we do the best we can. I miss you terribly when I’m at work but I know you are in good hands, so I try not to worry too much.

You have begun to smile more frequently and intentionally. Your Daddy will spend hours making faces and funny noises just to get one smile from you…and it’s totally worth it! Your entire face lights up and your eyes sparkle. It’s fantastic!

You still make cute little noises and your facial expressions continue to make us laugh. Of course, we think you are the BEST looking baby in the whole world! Your eyes are huge and expressive, your cheeks are still chubby and you still have two chins. You look more like me now than you did when you were born. You have super long eyelashes, too.

You love your changing pad and have since we brought you home from the hospital. You smile constantly while laying on it and have some fascination with the pink wall. You’re still sleeping in the bassinet next to our bed and have yet to spend a night in your crib.

We have three mandatory take-alongs these days…your pacifier, a blanket and your Ling-Ling (musical travel giraffe). You love to be warm and I keep you wrapped tightly all the time. You’re a fantastic little snuggler and we spend as much time as possible snuggled together!


You love to blow bubbles and you are spitting up more as you grow older. I keep a bib on you at all times so you don't ruin your clothes. You noticed your sister, Daisy, the other day and seemed very intrigued by her. It won't be long before you guys are running around the house together. You are wearing a size 3 months in clothes and size 2 in diapers. However, most of your footie pajamas are getting too short because you are SO long! I have a feeling we will move into the 6 month size very soon.

You are still an amazingly easy baby and we are so happy to have you in our lives. You bring us so much joy and happiness and we can't imagine our life without you now. We love getting to know you better each day and seeing your little personality develop. You are a very happy baby, which makes me REALLY happy!

Happy 2 Months, Abigail Suzanne! We love you so much!

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