June 2, 2011

Push Present

When you become pregnant, you learn all kinds of new things. For instance, I recently learned about “push presents.” I had never heard this exact term before but was kind of familiar with the gesture. For those of you wondering, a push present is “a present that a new father gives a new mother when she gives birth to their child. The present may be given before or after the birth, or even in the delivery room.”

As I researched push presents, I quickly learned there are TONS of opinions out there and the issue is somewhat controversial. So before anyone starts to become judgmental regarding this post, please relax and realize this is written in jest (kind of) and I am NOT soliciting your opinion at this time. Thanks! :)

In order to make Jan’s life easier, I thought I would provide some suggestions below should he decide I deserve a push present for carrying his child for 9 months, sacrificing myself and my body, and then dealing with labor and delivery in order for him to have his little princess.

Since Abigail will be born in June, her birthstone is a pearl. I already have a beautiful strand of pearls, a pearl bracelet and a set of pearl earrings (thanks, Dad!), however, I do not have a pearl ring or pearl tipped bangle and these pieces by David Yurman are just yummy!

Diamond studs are ALWAYS in style and if I get an upgrade, Abigail can have my current studs.

This pendant could be made very special with Abigail’s name and birth date engraved. Lockets are nice too.

On a non-jewelry note, I like fruity cocktails as much as the next person, so a fancy blender would be nice, especially considering I haven’t been able to imbibe for 9 months!

These are just a few ideas for you, babe...no pressure!  XOXOXO

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